Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

komodo tour package 3D/2N

Komodo Mega tours Indonesia offering Komodo tours with Komodo tour packages 3D/2N by tour selection without stay on boat, 1 night on boat and 1 night at hotel or 2 nights on sleep on the boat trip. The boat trip is prepare from sleeping on the deck, cabin no air condition and sharing toilet, cabin with air condition sharing toilet or cabin with air condition with private toilet and bathroom.
Komodo Mega tours Indonesia is west Flores Island tour operator and travel service is you tourist travel guide to select all kind of tours and Eco trip to Komodo and Flores Island Indonesia.
This trip will started from Bali Island and get flight in the morning to Labuan Bajo town in west Flores Island then continued by boat trip to Komodo national park. We offering Komodo tour packages with cheap price but reasonable qualified service for your holidays.
For more information about detail programs, visit our official website and legal licensed company at: -----
Email: ----
Mobile: +62 813 393 124 58

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Wisata pulau Komodo dan Flores

PT. Flores Lantana Wisata adalah Biro perjalanan wisata dan agen pelayanan wisata dari Labuan Bajo bagian barat pulau Flores yang khusus menangani paket wisata pulau Komodo dan Flores. Perusahan yang berdiri sejak tahun 2005 sebagai biro perjalanan wisata menangani wisata kepulau Komodo dan Flores untuk melihat binatang raksasa varanus Komodoensis merupakan kadal yang terbesar di dunia yang masih hidup di taman nasional Komodo, Danau tiga warna Kelimutu dan kampung tradisional Bena di bagian tengah pulau Flores.

PT. Flores Lantana Wisata menangani berbagai jenis kegiatan wisata seperti; wiasata darat di pulau Flores, wisata bahari di taman nasional Komodo, pendakian gunung, menyelam di taman nasional Komodo, Snorkeling di pulau dalam kawasan taman nasional Komodo, wisata ke daerah pedalaman, wisata budaya, wisata pendidikan, wisata religi/pilgrimage, wisata burung dan wisata pertanian.
PT. Flores Lantana Wisata ditangani langsung oleh Komodo Mega tours and travel service sebagai branding pemsaran kami ke luar negri untuk menangani paket wisata Indonesia khusunya ke pulau Komodo dan Flores.
Kami juga melayani paket wisata perburuan ikan Paus di pulau Lembata, Tenun Ikat dan penjelajahan kampung - kampung adat di pulau Sumba serta paket wisata di pulau Timor bagian barat.
Untuk memudahkan perjalanan anda ke pulau Komodo dan Flores silakan menghubungi kami melalui email; atau
Hotline; +62 813 393 124 58
Bagi yang berbahasa Inggris (For English speaking pleased visit our sister website): atau untuk melihat detail paket wisata kami dapat mengunjungi website kami:
Dari kota Labuan Bajo bagian barat pulau Flores kami seluruh team menyampaikan; Selamat berwisata ke pulau Komodo dan Flores dan selamat menikmati pelayanan paket wisata yang kami siapkan.
Direktur perusahan

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Flores komodo tour

Discovering Flores and Komodo tour with Flores Komodo tour packages for all kind of tours and Eco trip to Flores and Komodo Island Indonesia. Komodo Mega tours is west Flores tour operator Indonesia covering Komodo tour, Flores tour, Komodo diving tour, Komodo fishing tour, Flores pilgrimage tour and Flores Komodo cruises ground handling.
We local tour operator from Labuan Bajo west Flores Island Indonesia organizing many kind of tour to Komodo and Flores with complete update tour packages for your travel to Komodo and Flores Island.
Enjoy komodo tour and Flores tour with local tour operator from Labuan Bajo west Flores Island has long experience in tourism around Indonesia for your comfortable holidays.
 Welcome to Flores Komodo tour discovering Komodo Island tour and Flores Island tour Indonesia take our local experience company special arrangement by Komodo Mega tours and travel service Indonesia.
Visit our official website:
Email: ------
Hotline: +62 81 393 124 58

Flores mega tours

Flores tour operator and travel service covering Flores Island tours and Eco trip to see Kelimutu Lake, Bena traditional village, Riung 17 Islands, volcano trekking tours, culture and primitive life, watching birds exploration tours and see the real primitive life. We are preparing all kind of tours and Eco trip to Flores Island Indonesia.
Flores Mega tours is a part of Komodo Mega tours and travel service offering all kind of Flores tour packages for your travel to Flores Island with Flores overland tour started from east or west part.
Enjoy travel to Flores island Indonesia with Komodo Mega tours for all kind of tours and Eco trip discovering nature, peoples, culture, tradition, language and way of life.